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Marcus Ernst


Marcus D. Ernst


  • MA and PhD in Bavarian history. [1]


Marcus D. Ernst is a lawyer and historian. He studied law and History from 1989 to 1993 in Passau. He has worked as a self-employed lawyer in the areas of civil and contract law, real estate law, corporate law, business succession and inheritance. [1], [2]

He is also the president of Peutinger Collegium, a group that describes itself as "an association [of] socially engaged and liberal-oriented Citizens." [3]

Stance on Climate Change

[Pending further investigation.]

Key Quotes

[Pending further investigation.]

Key Deeds

November 30 - December 1, 2012

Marcus Ernst was a speaker (PDF) at the Eighth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-8)/Fifth International Conference on Climate and Energy (ICCE-5) sponsored by both the Heartland Institute and the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE). [4]

April 21, 2008

Marcus D. Ernst spoke at an event titled "Der Klimawandel, die Natur und die Geschichte: Was wir aus der Vergangenheit für Schlüsse ziehen könn(t)en," roughly translated as " Climate Change, Nature and History: What We Learned From the Past for Conclusions." Others attending the conference included German zoologist and climate change skeptic Joseph Reichholf. [5]



Marcus D. Ernst appears to have published some articles in the area of Bavarian History. For example:

  •  RBl. 1807, Sp. 97. Zur Adelsrechtsreform 1806/07 u.a. Marcus D. Ernst, Der bayerische Adel und das moderne Bayern. Die Gesetzgebung und Debatte über die persönlichen Privilegien des in Bayern immatrikulierten Adels (1808-1818). Masch. Diss. Universität Passau 2002, S. 11-32.


  1. "Brief Introduction," FWG. Accessed November 29, 2012.

  2. "Das Präsidium des Peutinger- Collegiums"(PDF), Peutinger Collegium.

  3. "The Peutinger Collegium - Mission" (PDF), retrieved from Peutinger-collegium.de.  Translated with Google.

  4. "8th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-8): V International Conference on Climate and Energy (ICCE-5). Hotel Bayerischer Hof, Munich, November 30 – December 1, 2012" (PDF) retrieved from eike-klima-energy.eu on November 24, 2012.

  5. Speeches at the Peutinger college from 1999 to 2010 by year. Retrieved from Peutinger-collegiuim.de, November 29, 2012.

  6. "IMPRINT," Peutinger Collegium. Accessed November 29, 2012.

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